As A Designer
My time in the service industry may seem unsuited for application in the field of design, but it is not so! My time in the service industry has helped me to build, understand, and hone my soft skills. A good server knows how to delegate to the bartenders and food runners, while providing a good user experience to the customer, and communicating with the kitchen. A good retail associate will provide a pleasant and memorable user experience, while being in good communication with other members of the team. All of this experience and analysis is something I engage with regularly.
While providing a variety of in-person user experiences has been my job, art has been my passion. For the past few years I have become a printmaker specializing in woodblock and linocut prints. This medium really lends itself to visual design especially as it relates to brand design, and it has given me many opportunities to cultivate my ability to communicate visually.
I believe in compassionate design. I believe in art as design and vice versa. I want to make designs filled with delight and accessible to all people. If anything I have said resonates with you, please don’t be a stranger.
As An artist
In addition to being a designer I am also a multidisciplinary artist specializing primarily in relief printing and ink drawing. I draw inspiration from medieval woodcuts, surrealism, and the German impressionist movement. Through these mediums I am able to communicate my complex relationship with being human and what that means. My CV and art work can be viewed here.
As A Person
I love fixing things with my hands, consequently I gained some notability in the Pittsburgh area for my aptitude with antique locks, which was featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette here. I also wrote about these locks for Construction Junction here.
I also frequently write on Medium, about my various passions, which includes design, video games, and more. These pieces can be found here.
Hana Luna Jiménez